
Log into Stealth

Once you've created your Stealth account, logging in is a straightforward process. You can access your secure cloud storage from both the Stealth website and the mobile app. Here's how to log in using both methods.

Steps to Log into Stealth

  1. Launch Stealth

Open your preferred web browser and go to stealth.cyborg.co, or launch the Stealth app on your mobile device.

  1. Enter Your Credentials

In the provided fields, enter the email address associated with your Stealth account and your password.

Stealth uses your password as a Master Key, which in turn is used to encrypt all of the data in your account. This ensures that no one - not even us - can view your files.
  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (if applicable)

If you have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled on your account, you will need to enter a 6-digit code to verify your login attempt. Depending on your settings, this code can be generated by an Authentication App, or sent via email or SMS.

Logging in grants you access to your private and encrypted files, allowing you to manage and share them securely. Whether you're using the website or the mobile app, your Stealth account ensures that your data remains confidential and under your control.