
Open, Download & Export Files

Stealth not only secures your files but also provides you with seamless ways to access and work with them. Here's how you can open, download, and export your files while maintaining their end-to-end encryption.

Opening Files

  1. Navigate to File

Find the file you wish to open.

  1. Open File

Double-click on the file (desktop) or tap on it (mobile) to open it.

Downloading Files

  1. Navigate to File

Find the file you wish to open.

  1. Open the Item’s Context Menu

You can access the file’s context menu by either right-clicking or tapping the ••• button next to it.

  1. Select Download

Click on Download, and you should see the Download Center appear. Once your file is done being downloaded & decrypted, it will appear in your browser’s “Downloads” folder.

Exporting Files (Mobile Only)

  1. Navigate to File

Find the file you wish to open.

  1. Open the Item’s Context Menu

You can access the file’s context menu by either right-clicking or tapping the ••• button next to it.

  1. Select Export

Click on Export, and your device’s Share Tray will open, giving you the ability to export it to another app.

Stealth's commitment to end-to-end encryption extends to these actions, ensuring your files remain confidential and secure, whether you're opening, downloading, or exporting them.