
Organize Files & Folders

Efficient organization is the key to a streamlined workflow within Stealth. By arranging your files and folders thoughtfully, you'll maximize productivity and ease of access. Here's how to organize your digital assets effectively.

Creating Folders

  1. Navigate to Desired Location

Under “My Files”, go to the location in which you wish to upload the file(s).

  1. Click on the + Button

Locate the + button on the top right corner of you screen. It looks like this:

  1. Click on the “Folder” Button

Click on the “Folder” button, which will open your device’s file navigator.

  1. Name the Folder

Give the newly created folder a name, and that’s it! Your folder is now ready to use.

Moving Files & Folders

  1. Open the Item’s Context Menu

You can access the file or folder’s context menu by either right-clicking or tapping the ••• button next to the item.

  1. Select Move To
  2. Navigate to Desired Location

Navigate to the target location to which you’d like to move these items.

  1. Select Move Here

The item will be dropped in place.

You can move multiple files at once by clicking on Select Multiple in the context menu and selecting Move To.

Renaming Files & Folders

  1. Open the Item’s Context Menu

You can access the file or folder’s context menu by either right-clicking or tapping the ••• button next to the item.

  1. Select Rename
  2. Rename the Item

Give this file or folder a new name.